Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hey Little Saturday Night .....

All's as well as can be for right now. Hubby and my daughter are having a camping night in the backyard. t'l be interesting to see how long she lasts before she retreats back into the house leaving dad stranded in the tent. I know HE won't wake up if she leaves the tent! Good thing I'm up late now that my sleep schedule is all screwed up so I can be awake when she comes in.
By the in the WORLD do you get a 5 year old to listen to you without yelling at them???? Is that even a possibility or are all of you parents reading this laughing at me? Do any of them listen the first 5 times you ask, or is that a pipe dream I have and and a completely laughable expectation??? Anyone with any insight, please feel free to let me know!! I would be very appreciative!
Well, I hope that everyone reading this has a more fun Saturday night than me. I have a date with a movie all by myself tonight.
I'm attatching a picture of my red flower garden bead, complete with butterflies flitting around. I may find another one to put up here too.
Have a great evening and weekend!

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