Saturday, June 03, 2006

My first Blog Post!!!

Well, here it is.....I've finally succumbed to the blogging life.
I'm a stay at home mom to a little girl who just turned 5 and graduated pre-shcool yesterday! (oh my goodness..... where does the time go???)
I am also a glass beadmaker and jewelry designer in my spare time (which I don't have much of lately). I'm getting seet to have major knee surgery which will force me to take some time aweay from the torch....I'm not looking forward to that at all!!!
I plan to use this space to showcase a lot of my glass art pieces (mostly beads), but I'm also planning on using to blog daily events too.
I haven't had a chance to photograph any of my newer pieces yet so I'll put up some older pictures of some of my more favorite beads.
I'll write more later.....we're off to a rainy, miserable soccer game :(