Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Same Shit different day......

Well, I'm officially halfway done with the first part of my recovery from surgery. I only have a few more 12 hour days on my "torture machine" (as I so lovingly refer to it now - it's actually a CPM machine) , and I get to lower the hours per day down to 6-8! I's still a solid work day, but at least it's better than 12!! 4 more weeks of the CPM machine and I start physical therapy. So, things are progressing .......slowly, very slowly, but still.

On a happy note, I got a wonderful package from the Boogers today!! I won an awesome auction from them (Afro-DJ-Yak - I LOVED it and needed it!!) and they sent this jammed full of goodies box for me. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! You guys don't even know how much that cheered me up!! I got the bead I won, another GORGEOUS wing shaped bead with dichro on the inside and a goddess drawn on the front, like a relief ( omg, I ADORE this bead), a cute blue necklace that my daughter claimed immediately and won't give back, some "Candy Teef", 4 packages of poly clay and some handmade poly clay leaves, and a wonderful off mandrel woman figure. Boy, I feel so lucky to have recieved that!! I'm going to make something for them from the clay and send something back. For some reason, I do love to send things to them :) It was just so thoughtful of you guys to put something together like a care package for me - just to put a smile on my face. I'm so fortunate to know the both of you because people like you guys are rare and everyone that comes in contact with you are changed in a better way. Don't know if that makes sense, but whatever. Love you guys!!! That really made my day!!!!! I would post pictures, but our main computer is still on the fritz and I'm still on a borrowed laptop that I only have access to at night for a little bit. My husband had to re-format our PC, but I should have access to it tomorrow. Watch for some new additions to my website and I'm putting up auctions as soon as I can!

I've been watching WWAAAAYYYY too much TV. I think I've seen every episode of almost every show on TV. There's also just so much reading and crossword puzzles I can do before my eyes cross. I can't really create any jewelry because of my setup - since my leg has to be up, I can't sit at a table to do anything, and I also can't really put it on the bed without spilling it.... my creative side is DYING in this bed!! I'm hoping that my husband may agree to help me maybe venture down the stairs and get on the torch for an hour or so. I think if I can find a way to prop up my foot a little bit next to my bench, I can do it for a short time. I am just DYING to play with molten glass.
I was getting really excited before my surgery because I had decided to just make what I wanted to make - not gear towards things that would sell - to re-spark my creativity. I had been in a slump for awhile because I would think about what I had to make for orders or shows and what sells there isn't necessarily what I love to make. So I decided since this hiatus was coming up, that I wasn't going to make anything but what I wanted to make. I was having an absolute blast every time I sat down at the torch and was actually playing and exploring new things I never had the time to. I was actually really looking forward to each torch session and then I had to stop. I think that made me sadder than actually having the surgery. I REALLY hope I can get to play a little this weekend!
For Lori Greenberg and JC Herrell - I have some great signs that you guys have made me want to post. I'll get those up when I have my computer too. My favorite one is the dog groomers down the street.......

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hey Little Saturday Night .....

All's as well as can be for right now. Hubby and my daughter are having a camping night in the backyard. t'l be interesting to see how long she lasts before she retreats back into the house leaving dad stranded in the tent. I know HE won't wake up if she leaves the tent! Good thing I'm up late now that my sleep schedule is all screwed up so I can be awake when she comes in.
By the in the WORLD do you get a 5 year old to listen to you without yelling at them???? Is that even a possibility or are all of you parents reading this laughing at me? Do any of them listen the first 5 times you ask, or is that a pipe dream I have and and a completely laughable expectation??? Anyone with any insight, please feel free to let me know!! I would be very appreciative!
Well, I hope that everyone reading this has a more fun Saturday night than me. I have a date with a movie all by myself tonight.
I'm attatching a picture of my red flower garden bead, complete with butterflies flitting around. I may find another one to put up here too.
Have a great evening and weekend!

Friday, July 07, 2006


I get to spend some time with my family this weekend!
My daughter has begged my husband to set up the tent and camp out in the backyard this weekend. She's 5 and has been camping before, but I'm wondering how long it will be before she finds her way back into the house and leaves Daddy sleeping in the tent all by himself.
I'm hoping to be able to spend a little while outside myself - even if it is only to sit and take in some fresh air. It's driving me a little crazy that I can't even do small things like planting flowers or even water my garden. It's starting to get a little weedy , but hubby doesn't know what's a weed and what's a plant so he doesn't touch it. I'm a big gardener and not being able to enjoy my garden this year kind of makes me sad. I'll post some pictures that I was able to snap before my surgery since everything came up and bloomed so early this year.
I still haven't gotten around to taking any pictures of the last things I made on the torch, but I'll post some pictures of the donuts that I was making before my forced hiatus from torchwork. I'm going to be adding these to my website this weekend ( I'm aiming for today, but we'll see how it goes.
Well, my father just showed up with a late lunch for me so I'll go for now - have a great Friday, everyone!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Yet another day in bed.......

Well, I haven't had much of a chance to do anything on the computer as I am fresh out of major knee surgery. It will be 3 weeks this Thursday, and while recovery is speeding along quite nicely, I still have months and months to go until I am even close to back to normal. It's getting me down quite a bit that I can't get out and about and do allof the fun stuff that my husband and daughter are doing. I'm trying to look at it as taking this time now to fix these problems will allow me to have tons of fun in the upcoming summers. For more information about the procedure I went through (cloning cartilage cells and replacing them in my knee) visit . Thought that for people it may offer an alternative that your doctor may not be aware of because it's a relatively new procedure and only about 6,000 peoplei in the country have had it done. I also had to re-align my kneecap with screws so I'm in a significant amount of pain from that procedure - that is what's keeping me laid up for so long.
I am planning on taking more pictures of some fun beads I made before I had my surgery so I can share them. I plan on putting up some auctions soon to help me pay for a new designer set of crutches. Since I'll be on them for so long, I figure it would cheer me up to have really nice ones ( ) - plus they make bags to put on your crutches which makes carrying things like your wallet and other necessities easy to carry.
I'll probably manage to do that later tonight, so be sure to check back!! :) I'll find a picture to put up of something I've been working on lately - donuts. I really love making them and they're so versatile.
By the way, please visit MY website at to view a lot of my work.
Have a great 4'th of July everyone!!!